Transforming myself, again…

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My hands are shifting. Could this be good or bad?

An accidental superpower.

I decided to work again on Snapchat’s Lens Studio and Facebook’s Spark AR to improve my current Snapchat filters and port them to Instagram, if possible.

Yes, it’s that filter that made me look like this:

But instead starting designing for the head, I’d really like to improve my supposedly-metallic skin. Initial results from Snapchat’s Lens Studio are bad and somewhat laughable.

Not to mention that the 3D body tracking is still inaccurate when my hands aren’t visible.

So I decided to rebuild everything, this time using Spark AR Studio and by using Skin Segmentation. And after tweaking some settings, I ended up being a black, posterized metallic blob who doesn’t even have a chance to see his face ๐Ÿ˜…

Note that the results do differ between devices. Here’s what I looked instead when shot from an Android phone:

Perfect. Even my hands and chest are united in my amalgamated skin, and everything I wear (except my glasses) retain their own true colors. This is the true Nate I wanted over the past 8 months!

Finding a purpose.

And of course, THIS. SKIN. IS. AWESOME!!! I can use it for my daily Instagram Stories and even my future YouTube channel!

But when I was testing my abilities even further, I accidentally transformed a girl from a table next to me to receive my new digital skin!


Now I’m thinking. can my new skin become blessings for others? Like if, you’re in Japan when filming people’s faces over Shibuya means dishonesty, or somewhere in the US where you’re surrounded with a group of Amish people…

Or when you’re in the European Union, where taking and uploading photos of young children to Facebook is subject to fines from legal authorities.

What if I told you that my skin could be the solution to these problems? Through my new skin, it’s difficult for computer algorithms to identify our unique faces, especially when we’re blue. Everybody here is safe and encrypted from those pesky data collectors.

And say goodbye to acne, freckles, and even screen color differences as we’re now perfect and united.

๐ŸŽญ Encrypted skins and faces for everyone.

Well, this means I can use my superpower to help people to hide their own identity in the digital world.

Everybody whose are physically close with me will receive my new skin instantly. It’s on by default, no matter who you are, and you can’t opt out. And of course, yes, you’ll return normal shortly after being away from me.

I really hope that everyone can, and will benefit from this transformation. As long as I’m safe being blue. I’ll always become blue.

Don’t forget to follow @reinhart1010 on Instagram so you can permanently receive my power once I decided to give it for free ๐Ÿ’™

Thanks for reading this article! By the way, we’re also working on finishing these interesting posts. Revisit this site soon or follow us to see them once theyโ€™re published!

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