Category: Updates

  • Site and Infrastructure updates, July 2024 edition.

    Site and Infrastructure updates, July 2024 edition.

    It has been one year since we announced out the great migration of our website: formerly yet another ordinary WordPress site, into a custom one. So, after working over a few months, we’d like to share a significant amount of progress here. Part A: Our website Our Tier 1 migration goal is almost complete. What’s…

  • Celebrating 10 years of not even finishing my personal website.

    Celebrating 10 years of not even finishing my personal website.

    On April 23rd 2014, I marked my new milestone of creating a personal website using the technology people were intended to: raw HTML and CSS files. No CSS libraries and JS frameworks to use back then, and it’s my exodus from being limited to creating WordPress-based sites. But crafting a perfect personal websites took a…

  • Unveiling my next postgraduate study programme.

    Unveiling my next postgraduate study programme.

    This is alterine, another side character I created alongside the infamous Shiftine. While me and Shiftine represent the orderness of the SYSTEM, alterine represented something else. For her, tech is not something that must be used to retain human rights, like us, but tech itself is a human right. Well, how does the alt relate…

  • Introducing Shiftine-as-a-Service (SaaS).

    Introducing Shiftine-as-a-Service (SaaS).

    Looking up at things happening in the real world, I realized that not much time I could bring to maintain the whole Bearers of the Shells, that is, the official community name for all those robot characters ever appearing in my universe. Just in a few months, I have to manage my time properly for…

  • Reinhart Previano Koentjoro resmi berganti nama menjadi Citra Manggala Dirgantara.

    Reinhart Previano Koentjoro resmi berganti nama menjadi Citra Manggala Dirgantara.

    JAKARTA – REINHART1010.ID – Transformasi digital telah membentuk minat dan kebutuhan masyarakat global akan layanan digital yang mudah, aman, dan bersahabat. Namun, hal-hal tersebut kerap dipenuhi oleh berbagai masalah, dan berbagai konflik kepentingan. Sebagai langkah untuk mengantisipasi meningkatnya kebutuhan serta tantangan tersebut, maka melalui kegiatan rilis pers yang dilakukan tepat pada 1 April 2024, Reinhart…

  • I’ve got a 💯 in TOEFL.

    I’ve got a 💯 in TOEFL.

    Yes, you have read it correctly: I’m officially getting a 100 out of 120 in TOEFL iBT. That also means that I’ve secured my English requirements for my future scholarship. If you’d want to get the details: As a reference, the Indonesian LPDP scholarship expects applicants to have at least 65 in TOEFL iBT®, while…

  • Nix is now Jilly! (feat. Simon)

    Nix is now Jilly! (feat. Simon)

    Starting January 2024, we will officially changed Nix, one of our robots, into Jilly. Additionally, the site will be relocated to The reason we changed her name because we would like to improve her as a high-quality tldr-pages client, but the name Nix is also used as a package manager and Linux distribution.…

  • Introducing the new (feat T-3000)

    After two years of using WordPress, we decided that WordPress is still not good enough to fine-tune our website appearance and experience. And, as a mental holiday for me after finishing a significant part of my thesis, I decided to throw away WordPress on our main site,, and touch some HTML grass to rebuild…

  • An updated lore of the Skyborne family.

    An updated lore of the Skyborne family.

    Caps really have such a humor, like, describing his own lore out of LOREm Ipsum and Cillum DoLORE that made another VTuber to follow him on Twitter. But folks over the real world will deeply understand that everything that the @capsinthehouse Twitter account do is done by a GPT. Yeah, an real, actual GPT thing.…

  • The future of Shift and Shiftine is in the real life.

    The future of Shift and Shiftine is in the real life.

    I reflected on the days when I decided to build my own original character (OC) fantasy, be it the Hackers and Jackets, the Bearers of the Shells, the Shift of Worlds and Nations, the root force, the Jailbreaks, and so on. I built them because I really wanted to build my own dream team of…