Category: Logs of the SYSTEM
Establishing electronic signatures for PDF documents.
After months of testing, we will start to notarize PDF files with signatures, with real Electronic Signatures that comply with real Indonesian laws. This means that our signatures, powered by PERURI Certificate Authority, are legally acceptable to replace the use of handwritten signatures without compromising the legal integrity of digital documents. This also means that…
Penerapan Tanda Tangan Elektronik (TTE) ganda dalam dokumen PDF.
Setelah melewati masa uji coba, maka mulai 20 November 2024, kami resmi memberlakukan penandatanganan dokumen PDF menggunakan Tanda Tangan OpenPGP serta Tanda Tangan Elektronik (TTE) Tersertifikasi sesuai standar Penyelenggara Sertifikasi Elektronik (PSrE) Kementerian Komunikasi dan Digital Republik Indonesia. Dokumen-dokumen ini akan dapat diverifikasi menggunakan kunci publik (public key) OpenPGP yang tersedia pada, dan untuk…
Have a Shiftine website!
Today is November 20th, 2024. You have promised some interesting things to be announced to the public, but there weren’t much time left to prepare for the surprise. Little do know that this reminds of a great Start. Microsoft Windows is having a 39th birthday right now. And aren’t you excited to say something, too?…
WWDC24 is why we don’t let Apple to design our products.
Apple has been the Qibla of product for decades. With the Apple Park as the Mecca, and people flocking to WWDC as its annual pilgrimage for world-class product designers and marketers. The Human Interface Guidelines became their Holy Scripture to define their product, which we don’t. But really. Today, if you want to build a…
Site and Infrastructure updates, September 2024 edition.
Hello, world! We’re currently in the middle of something great, and we can’t wait to finally tell about that. And at the meantime, here’s what’s new and improved in our website. 1. We’re making (https://) What could that really be? Reinhart personally wanted to relocate our fandom from to, stuffed with command-line easter…
We’ve just fixed our IP address change.
Niagahoster (now part of Hostinger Group), one of our web hosting providers behind our main websites and others (,,,, have changed the IPv4 address of our web hosting service from to without prior notice. Looking at the statistics data from the inbuilt AWStats feature in CPanel, the migration was likely…
[EMERGENCY]: Stopping our Site Status website and BINUSMAYA Down services.
Our official Site Status website, where you can monitor for down services, is ironically down. And same with BINUSMAYA Down, used to monitor for BINUS University’s downtime, but we have to temporarily shut it down. These products are powered by Upptime and GitHub Actions, but since Upptime used an aging Node.js version that’s no longer…
Site and Infrastructure updates, July 2024 edition.
It has been one year since we announced out the great migration of our website: formerly yet another ordinary WordPress site, into a custom one. So, after working over a few months, we’d like to share a significant amount of progress here. Part A: Our website Our Tier 1 migration goal is almost complete. What’s…
Firefox have just ended this annoying popup.
Firefox 127 marks the support for the JavaScript Clipboard API‘s read and write methods. It may not look seem a lot for non-technical people, but well it is. That means, if you now upgrade to the latest version of Firefox, you will no longer be annoyed by apps requiring you to manually copy, cut, and…
Our guide to data models is here!
Last month, we explained on how we commonly design our REST API for our products. But apparently, some people still don’t understand what the “model-centric path approach” actually mean. Now, we admit that it might be technical to explain here. In short, we are talking about data models, aka. how we commonly organize different sets…