
We’ve just fixed our IP address change.

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Niagahoster (now part of Hostinger Group), one of our web hosting providers behind our main websites and others (reinhart1010.id, alterine0101.id, jow.my.id, kapanbisamakansianggratis.com), have changed the IPv4 address of our web hosting service from to without prior notice.

Looking at the statistics data from the inbuilt AWStats feature in CPanel, the migration was likely happed on July 17th, 2024. The old IP address was still accessible until about July 28th, where sites pointing to the old one now redirected to Hostinger’s default https://ups-error.com.

A screenshot of the AWStats dashboard, indicating the number of page views of a website from July 1st to 31st, 2024. Note that the statistic data went lost since July 18th forwards, while this screenshot was generated on July 28th.
Our internal AWStats’ “Page View” statisctics for the main reinhart1010.id website.

This, of course, bring some downsides. Including the fact that we can no longer our CPanel interface and MariaDB databses from this web hosting account! While Hostinger have automatically fixed the DNS zone entries for alterine0101.id, jow.my.id, and kapanbisamakansianggratis.com to use the new addresses, we have to fixed our main website’s DNS nameserver, hosted at Cloudflare, to point out countless subdomains to this new address.

So today, we’re happy to say that we completed the migration process on our side, so you can continue to use our services again (>_ )!

Thanks for reading this article! By the way, we’re also working on finishing these interesting posts. Revisit this site soon or follow us to see them once they’re published!

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