Category: Touching Grass Since 2001
A collection of personal, real-life posts by Reinhart Previano K. May contain meta content and content unrelated to the Bearers of the Shell (BOTS).
The illusion of Surveillance Capitalism narrative as we knew it.
Exactly one year ago, I made the decision to withdraw myself from those surveillance capitalism narrative where corporations and governments are ambitioning for extracting your data in exchange for all the fun and convenient things of the cyberspace. And you have to take action. As a person who have ever worked with real FLOSS organizations…
The future of Shift and Shiftine is in the real life.
I reflected on the days when I decided to build my own original character (OC) fantasy, be it the Hackers and Jackets, the Bearers of the Shells, the Shift of Worlds and Nations, the root force, the Jailbreaks, and so on. I built them because I really wanted to build my own dream team of…
Menjadi pribadi yang apa adanya.
Salah satu slideshow dari sharing saya di #connectgroup kemarin tentang menutup-nutupi diri sendiri dan menjadi orang yang “apa adanya”. Setidaknya ada 4 kasus yang saya sering lihat sejak 2015 soal ini: 1. Biar dapat lebih banyak engagement + cuan dari iklan, endorsement, dll. 2. Karena takut sama beberapa perusahaan yang membuat mereka menjadi “budak” untuk…
Resolusi Tahun 2023
Masih ingat post yang satu ini? Sebelum saya mengumumkan resolusi 2023, mari kita cek pencapaian resolusi tahun 2022! Pencapaian Resolusi 2022 Resolusi 2023 Kali ini saya akan lebih singkat dan serius, yaitu:
How not to be an “AI” virtual girlfriend.
(Generated using Stable Diffusion) VTuber + Text-to-speech + ChatGPT + Stable Diffusion + Speech-to-text = An ultimately expensive waifu than can’t help more than just being stuck in their (fantasy/digital) world. Oh gosh, one more person already did that, and failed just like what Shift (Reinhart) tried. I love Universe F-1 and Reinhart’s…
Some notes about personal beliefs, Christianity, Big Tech, and GAFAM.
Yes, I have been on both pro and anti-GAFAM communities before, yet I’m still respecting people from each sides. However, as I celebrate my 10th anniversary of my journey into numerous worldwide tech communities, those ups and downs have led me into one big conclusion: You cannot be selective on whom would you want to…
The F, A, R, and how do we get there.
Having a perfect understanding about the multiverse is fundamental to how we act as the Shift of worlds and nations. The F, A, and R as I commonly mentioned are what we call as universe classes. Each letters do have their own meanings, which will we discuss throughout this post. Just as the infinitely-numbered amount…
Christmas could be over, but we’re not (Christmas 2022 Part 3).
After spending two nights on the same villa, we decided to say goodbye. But the fun continues as we spend another day at The Ranch Cisarua Puncak with more outdoor activities! Well, this is the last, but not least, of our 3-day Christmas journey. In fact, it’s the longest video we have shared! Feel free…
Part 2 of our Christmas excitement.
Just like in Part 1, some of our friends at This is KunKun and Jeremia Nikola Wijaya have published this cool montage of our offline Christmas holiday! We were staying on one of the managed villas by The Villas 100, which you can check and book it here. It’s all fun despite the constant rain…