15,000 emails. 8 months. All delivered to you from the only one roothouse.
It was June 2021 and we were trying to send emails for those joining HISHOT 2021, an online community seminar held by the Computer Science Studient Association of BINUS University (HINTI BINUS). If we decide to use Gmail, well, one day Google could ban us if we send more and more automated emails in the…
Akhir sebuah jaman.
Semester 5 telah menjadi salah satu masa tersulit dalam perkuliahan saya. Dimulai dengan mental breakdown, lalu akhirnya bisa part-time rutin. Salah satu teman lama saya akhirnya masuk LINE TODAY, saya serah-terima jabatan manajer Web Development di HIMTI BINUS ke adik tingkat, sebelum gelisah masalah Enrichment Program saya, berurusan dengan kelompok-kelompok bermasalah dan akhirnya positif COVID-19.…
COMPUTERUN 2.0 Website
ah, here we go again… upgrading a old, messy codebase made by Reinhart and friends at HIMTI since last year… bleep! i’m pr0xy, somewhat an intern && a humble *pointer of Reinhart; y’know what, i wanna #include an array of words from Why’s (Poignant) Guide to Ruby to motivate all of you guys[] working on…
Protected: ✨ challenge seskam cavis the explorer 2021 ✨
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Protected: ✨ challenge seskam cavis the explorer 2021 ✨
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Protected: ✨ challenge seskam cavis the explorer 2021 ✨
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Protected: ✨ challenge seskam cavis the explorer 2021 ✨
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Emergency Update: I have a mental breakdown.
In the recent days I am experiencing a mental breakdown, and good thing that now I’m starting to feel better. But first thing first, I would like to apologize to many of my colleagues working on important projects such as TECHNO 2021, HIMTI KIT, COMPUTERUN 2.0 and others. And also to MAT students and lecturers…
My life as a snake. I mean, a python3 emailer robot.
Hello, World! It’s me again. Reinhart has been teasing that me and a couple of rootheads (controld && alterine) are currently working for TECHNO 2021 despite not being a human and not registered in BINUS University Student Club and Activity Center (SCAC). There’s a lot of secrets that I can’t say for the time being,…