Tag: Firefox

  • Firefox have just ended this annoying popup.

    Firefox have just ended this annoying popup.

    Firefox 127 marks the support for the JavaScript Clipboard API‘s read and write methods. It may not look seem a lot for non-technical people, but well it is. That means, if you now upgrade to the latest version of Firefox, you will no longer be annoyed by apps requiring you to manually copy, cut, and…

  • So, here’s how to win Firefox over in 2024.

    So, here’s how to win Firefox over in 2024.

    I have been a long-time user of Firefox since 2015, especially, when “Firefox Developer Edition” was announced (as a rebrand of Firefox Aurora pre-release channel). Sure, I have used the web browser at some time between 2013 and 2015, before switching to Chrome, then Opera, then (checks notes) Internet Explorer 11. And in 2021, I…

  • Media queries not work in Firefox, when has animation

    This question was originally asked on StackOverflow. Content licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. View original question When the screen width is less than 640px, the background is covered, why is the height not covered? And, It’s work in Chrome and Edge. Answer Looking at how the site behaves on Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, it seems that…

  • I’ve tried Vivaldi and Firefox, and today I’ll use both at the same time.

    I’ve tried Vivaldi and Firefox, and today I’ll use both at the same time.

    Another year, another web browser. After years of being comfortable with Firefox I was thinking of switching to another web browser for my convenience. A little bit of history: In 2013 I was using Firefox. Then moved to Chrome because people said it’s better. Then tried some Chromium clones like SRWare Iron and Citrio (don’t…