Tag: BINUS University
[EMERGENCY]: Stopping our Site Status website and BINUSMAYA Down services.
Our official Site Status website, where you can monitor for down services, is ironically down. And same with BINUSMAYA Down, used to monitor for BINUS University’s downtime, but we have to temporarily shut it down. These products are powered by Upptime and GitHub Actions, but since Upptime used an aging Node.js version that’s no longer…
Pernyataan resmi tentang kelanjutan Skripsi saya.
Sesuai dengan tema tahunan saya untuk 2023 (yaitu, “menjadi pribadi yang apa adanya”), saya percaya keterbukaan informasi adalah salah satu faktor penting agar saya dapat berhasil di dalam kelulusan ini. Dan setelah melihat dan mempelajari situasi pada beberapa minggu terakhir, saya harus terbuka untuk menyatakan bahwa saya tidak bisa menyelesaikan penyusunan Skripsi saya pada Semester…
15,000 emails. 8 months. All delivered to you from the only one roothouse.
It was June 2021 and we were trying to send emails for those joining HISHOT 2021, an online community seminar held by the Computer Science Studient Association of BINUS University (HINTI BINUS). If we decide to use Gmail, well, one day Google could ban us if we send more and more automated emails in the…
BINUS FESTIVAL Semester Ganjil 2022-2023
BINUS FESTIVAL (BiFest) merupakan salah satu program kemahasiswaan yang rutin diadakan dua kali dalam setahun. BiFest pada semester ganjil 2022-2023 kali ini akan diadakan secara online dan hybrid. Untuk lebih jelas mengenai jadwal dan kelas yang berlaku, dapat dicek di akun Binusmaya masing-masing. Berikut ini adalah Master Schedule untuk BiFest, Semester Genap, 2022-2023:(informasi lengkap dapat diakses…
BINUS Today and the case of online gambling ads.
Recently, we have seen that several official websites from: have been hacked and actively posting a bunch of online gambling ads. These ads do not appear on the affected organizations’ home page, as they are neither categorized as “NEWS” nor “ARTICLES”. Blog posts not marked as such will make these attacks less visible to be…
Akhir sebuah jaman.
Semester 5 telah menjadi salah satu masa tersulit dalam perkuliahan saya. Dimulai dengan mental breakdown, lalu akhirnya bisa part-time rutin. Salah satu teman lama saya akhirnya masuk LINE TODAY, saya serah-terima jabatan manajer Web Development di HIMTI BINUS ke adik tingkat, sebelum gelisah masalah Enrichment Program saya, berurusan dengan kelompok-kelompok bermasalah dan akhirnya positif COVID-19.…
COMPUTERUN 2.0 Website
ah, here we go again… upgrading a old, messy codebase made by Reinhart and friends at HIMTI since last year… bleep! i’m pr0xy, somewhat an intern && a humble *pointer of Reinhart; y’know what, i wanna #include an array of words from Why’s (Poignant) Guide to Ruby to motivate all of you guys[] working on…
BINUS English Club (BNEC) sends marketing information without my permission.
It’s a regular day at home, opening Zoom for attending classes, then I suddenly received a new email later on the day: Oh hey, it’s an email promoting one of the events organized by one of the official Student Organizations in BINUS University, and this time it’s BINUS English Club (BNEC) for their National English…
Protected: ✨ challenge seskam cavis the explorer 2021 ✨
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Protected: ✨ challenge seskam cavis the explorer 2021 ✨
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.