Category: tales from the roothouse
Cyan stands for sustainability.
While others choose to go green, their colored posters are fading away, leaving only cyan. Though that we officially named the color as “Dilan-Milea Blue 400”, the primary color for the Reinhart’s (so early) 25th Birthday branding resembles one of the core colors in digital printing: cyan. It really looks like if the colors were…
(Updated Feb 2025) How to properly update your WhatsApp Business account name with Cloud API.
Update 05 February 2025 We have updated this article to reflect the latest changes in Meta Business Platform. The endpoints have been also tested to work with the Graph API versions 21 and 22 (upcoming). This tutorial requires the use of the command-line interface. For Windows, we recommend instead to use PowerShell instead of the…
Fing now won’t let me scan without giving my money, so I forked an old Android app for that (Altia).
So, it came to my attention that Fing, the app highly recommended by Forbes, MakeUseOf, and other tech sites, has become so greedy that it now attempts to limit the most basic, essential features of the app: Scanning for devices inside a network. Fing Premium continuously scans your network so you don’t have to initiate…
Karena settingan APN bawaan, jaringan XL Axiata–AXIS tidak bisa menikmati IPv6 secara default.
Ketika saya mengutak-atik konfigurasi alamat IPv6 di situs saya, saya mendengar kabar kalau jaringan XL sudah mulai menggunakan IPv6. Bahkan, XL pernah mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai jaringan dengan adopsi IPv6 tertinggi, disandingkan dengan Telkom Indonesia, CBN, dan operator lainnya. Saya mulai menulis website, awalnya terinspirasi dari situs milik Google, untuk mengecek dukungan IPv6. Dengan menggunakan…
Let’s redesign pr0xy and alt1e!
This blog post contains some AI-generated content. On this year’s European trip, I’d really like to celebrate and retcon the (#_ )s while travelling around Austria and Germany, one known for its repertoire of classical music like Johann Strauß and Mozart, and one known for one of the largest computer hacking community, the Chaos Computer…
Cara menyetel Proxy Address BI-FAST sesuka hati (pakai domain sendiri)!
Proxy Address (alamat proksi menuju rekening bank) adalah salah satu fitur unggulan jasa transfer BI-FAST yang sudah diluncurkan sejak akhir 2021. Daripada mengingat nama bank dan nomor rekening teman yang panjang itu, Anda kini hanya perlu memasukkan nomor telepon atau alamat surel/email mereka, jika mereka sebelumnya telah mengatur Proxy Address untuk BI-FAST. Menurut regulasi saat…
Unveiling my next postgraduate study programme.
This is alterine, another side character I created alongside the infamous Shiftine. While me and Shiftine represent the orderness of the SYSTEM, alterine represented something else. For her, tech is not something that must be used to retain human rights, like us, but tech itself is a human right. Well, how does the alt relate…
Hari-hari ini, suatu sistem dan software tak akan tercipta tanpa suatu ideologi.
Saat saya mencoba menulis sebuah personal statement untuk mendaftarkan diri kepada salah satu program beasiswa, saya menulis sesuatu karena saya sadar bahwa, aplikasi chatting yang sering kita pakai, situs streaming film yang sering kita pakai, jenis peramban web (web browser) yang sering kita pakai, semuanya terbentuk atas niatan pihak-pihak tertentu yang memanfaatkan kita. Ya, ada…
So, here’s how to win Firefox over in 2024.
I have been a long-time user of Firefox since 2015, especially, when “Firefox Developer Edition” was announced (as a rebrand of Firefox Aurora pre-release channel). Sure, I have used the web browser at some time between 2013 and 2015, before switching to Chrome, then Opera, then (checks notes) Internet Explorer 11. And in 2021, I…
An imperative way to build a website!
(#_ )! This tutorial is definitely inspired by an interesting discussion in choosing a web tech stack in 2024. Of course, Imperative HTML is a more esoteric way of writing websites but still easy to learn for (#- )! Have you ever: HTML itself was primarily based on XML (up to HTML 4.x). And we really hate…