Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Cara menyetel Proxy Address BI-FAST sesuka hati (pakai domain sendiri)!

    Cara menyetel Proxy Address BI-FAST sesuka hati (pakai domain sendiri)!

    Proxy Address (alamat proksi menuju rekening bank) adalah salah satu fitur unggulan jasa transfer BI-FAST yang sudah diluncurkan sejak akhir 2021. Daripada mengingat nama bank dan nomor rekening teman yang panjang itu, Anda kini hanya perlu memasukkan nomor telepon atau alamat surel/email mereka, jika mereka sebelumnya telah mengatur Proxy Address untuk BI-FAST. Menurut regulasi saat…

  • Firefox have just ended this annoying popup.

    Firefox have just ended this annoying popup.

    Firefox 127 marks the support for the JavaScript Clipboard API‘s read and write methods. It may not look seem a lot for non-technical people, but well it is. That means, if you now upgrade to the latest version of Firefox, you will no longer be annoyed by apps requiring you to manually copy, cut, and…

  • Our guide to data models is here!

    Last month, we explained on how we commonly design our REST API for our products. But apparently, some people still don’t understand what the “model-centric path approach” actually mean. Now, we admit that it might be technical to explain here. In short, we are talking about data models, aka. how we commonly organize different sets…

  • HAM v1.1: Supporting tables and technical diagrams!

    The version 1.1.0 was quickly withdrawn due to issues loading with custom tables HAM, our homegrown static Jekyll wiki framework now just got an update. Just like our past versions, this one is heavily motivated by our internal projects that are using HAM. With this new version, you can now render diagrams with Mermaid. Mermaid…

  • Every Door 5.0 is now on HUAWEI AppGallery!

    Three weeks ago, Ilya and the Every Door community introduced Every Door 5.0. Then we decided to pass to the HUAWEI AppGallery team for review. Today, we’re excited to announce that you can now receive this great update on Android-based HUAWEI devices. So why not just check out and update right now?

  • Happy Shiftine Day!

    Happy Shiftine Day!

    No, it’s not her birthday (and I would prefer choosing April 23 instead of today). But at the same time, today’s 16/5! So, how would you pronounce the number 16 that suddenly shifted to 15? Is that “si… fteen?” To celebrate the first Shiftine Day we’ve celebrated on our lifetime, we are officially changing our…

  • Pesan-pesan terakhir di AOG (Part 1): Hikmat dari datangnya Antikristus.

    Dalam kesempatan akhir ini, saya ingin menyampaikan beberapa pesan penting sebelum akhirnya resmi keluar dari komunitas Army of God Jakarta. Pesan ini cukup mendalam, dan sepertinya tidak akan muat dalam satu sesi sharing Connect Group saja. Ada banyak hal-hal mendalam yang telah menjadi dasar saya untuk memulai pelayanan baru saya dalam beberapa bulan yang mendatang.…

  • Introducing HAM v1.0.4.

    HAM is a simple Jekyll framework that allows you to build static wiki sites. And today, we are introducing a maintenance update with the following changes. First, the Bootstrap Icons dependency was updated from v1.11.1 to v1.11.3. There are no significant changes from the 100+ new icons introduced since v1.10. These icons are directly built…

  • Site Update: More glass-cards!

    Site Update: More glass-cards!

    It has been a long time when we reintroduced glass-cards on our website. They are timeless, representing these four different eras of user interface design: We are first proud to introduce this as far as in 2019, before 2021, and late 2023, where we made it the foundation of our design system. And now, there’s…

  • Berdoalah untuk saya…

    Semenjak saya terakhir kali menulis tentang serentetan masalah aplikasi pemerintah, dan ambisi pemerintah yang ingin menjadi Gojek, saya memutuskan untuk diam berbulan-bulan. Sejujurnya, saya bisa saja melanjutkan serial postingan tersebut, karena hari demi hari ada hal-hal rahasia yang sudah mencuat kepada publik. Tak sedikit juga asumsi saya tentang aplikasi pemerintah terbukti benar. Karena sesuai hikmat…

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