Hello, World!

Select your language / Silakan pilih bahasa / SELECT * FROM ms_language;

Hello, World!

We are Hackers and Jackets, or hackjacks for short. Well, of course, you can find everything about Reinhart and much of his projects here.

We talk about many different things here in different language: from the human-speakable English and Bahasa Indonesia to languages which those developers, hackers, and even robots like to speak: programming languages. That’s why many people and robots were overwhelmed with all the clutter on this site’s “Blogs” page, and that’s why we’re here to help.

TL;DR: Read all posts written in English by clicking here. Well, if you’re still reading until now, our blog site is divided into multiple categories:

Everything about Reinhart and his our projects

If you just want to know all of Reinhart’s latest updates, just look for his:

  • Updates
  • Opinions

or click one of the links below to see official announcements for his our projects:

  • Jackpot GBK
  • Kuyliner / Food Navigator

You can also check out Shiftine’s logs to see everything she’s done to keep these projects working.

Resources for BINUS University students

Now that if you’re a student or alumni of BINUS University, you might found out these things useful:

  • Everything tagged under BINUS
  • BINUS posts which are specific to School of Computer Science (SOCS). Note that Reinhart is currently a manager of HIMTI BINUS University.
  • BINUS posts which are specific to Visual Communication Design, also known as DKV. DKV? Oi!

More about us

Now if you’re interested in everything about technology, this is where we, Hackers and Jackets, are into. We’re divided into two master main groups based on our visions in tech: SYSTEM and root.

We wrote together How Does IT Work, a blog post series dedicated to explaining technology behind the scenes, including how cybersecurity attacks and scams work. And sometimes we hold a new JASS (Just Another Session with Us), which is just a symlink to AMA (Ask Me Anything).

And of course, #WeAreAllScambaiters so, you can find our investigations here.

The SYSTEM‘s Knowledge Base

If you’re a normal user, studying, and/or working with IT as a profession then check out The Knowledge Base, a set of guides curated by SYSTEM hackjacks to help you get things done. You will find resources, tips, and tutorials about:

  • Using programs, apps, and websites
  • Using software libraries and frameworks
  • Algorithm and programming
  • Using the Command Line Interface (CLI)

Tales from the rootverse

Meanwhile, if you’re up for an adventure, jump together with us into the rootverse for all things tech, especially when it comes to cybersecurity and digital rights. And breaking the “antisocial” stigma of developers out there.

Please note that you might found a lot of technobabbles in the rootverse for two reasons: to be compatible with robots who have limited powers of language processing, and that what makes the rootverse, root. The folks at SYSTEM and root are working together to build a new dictionary for humans to understand what is really going on.

Support Us

Now, congratulations! You have read the entire text on this homepage. If you’re an Indonesian citizen, you can support our hard work through Saweria which accepts payments from your favorite mobile banking and e-wallet apps (through QRIS). Merch are coming soon, so stay tuned!

Hai Gais!

Kita Hackers and Jackets alias hackjacks, dan Reinhart adalah salah satunya. Secara umum kita terdiri dari dua tim, SYSTEM dan root.

Situs ini isinya buanyak banget dan ditulis setidaknya dalam tiga bahasa:

  1. Bahasa Indonesia,
  2. Bahasa Inggris, dan
  3. Bahasa Pemrograman.

Kalau males, kamu bisa baca semua konten berbahasa Indonesia di sini. Kalau kamu masih niat untuk baca, situs blog ini dibagi menjadi banyak kategori sebagai berikut.

PENTING: Bersama kita lawan penipuan digital

Akhir-akhir ini kita sedang berurusan dengan modus-modus penipuan digital yang marak saat ini, seperti tindakan phishing, SMS undian palsu, dan grup investasi palsu di Telegram.

Kalau kalian berminat untuk lihat hasil investigasi dari kita, klik di sini. Dan tentunya, kalian bisa membantu orang lain untuk terhindar dari aksi penipuan digital dengan melihat tutorial dari kami di sini.

Semua tentang Reinhart dan proyek-proyek kita

Tentunya kamu masih bisa kepoin soal Reinhart melalui postingan dia soal:

  • Pengumuman
  • Opini

…serta proyek-proyek yang dia kami kerjakan:

  • Jackpot GBK
  • Kuyliner / Food Navigator

Informasi khusus BINUSIAN

Nah, buat kamu para mahasiswa BINUS, kalian juga dapat lihat informasi khusus dari kami soal:

  • Segala postingan dengan tag BINUS.
  • Khusus School of Computer Science (SOCS) BINUS University. Saat ini Reinhart menjabat sebagai salah satu manajer di HIMTI (Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Informatika) BINUS University.
  • Buat kamu para mahasiswa Desain Komunikasi Visual (DKV). DKV? Oi!

Dan buat kamu yang lagi belajar atau jago soal IT,

Kita tentunya punya beberapa hal spesial buat kamu!

Buat kamu yang lagi serius ngembangin aplikasi dan sistem komputer

Kita punya artikel dan resources untuk bikin kamu lebih paham soal:

  • Cara pakai aplikasi, website, dan sistem komputer
  • Cara pakai pustaka (library), kerangka (framework) pengembangan aplikasi
  • Algoritma dan Pemrograman
  • Cara pakai Terminal / Command Prompt / CLI

Buat kamu yang ingin santai dan penasaran lebih dalam sama kita

Jangan takut untuk bergabung di the roothouse di mana kita akan bahas segala sesuatu soal kita.



PRINT Hello, World!

DECLARE Authors(5) // Array starts at 1

Authors(1) <- “Reinhart”

Authors(2) <- “Shiftine”

Authors(3) <- “Controld”

Authors(4) <- “Alterine”

Authors(5) <- “The Hackets”



SEE post.java


SEE post.js


SEE post.txt


SEE post.py