Tag: Verified

  • Site and infrastructure updates, January 2023 edition.

    Site and infrastructure updates, January 2023 edition.

    January has suddenly become our exciting month of the year, even if we’re almost halfway! We have brought substantial upgrades and improvements to our websites! They’re so big that we’ve narrowed it down into 13 main points. January 13, you know? 1. Improved site design! We decided to ditch pale blue for pure white on…

  • Updates on how we do Twitter.

    Updates on how we do Twitter.

    Haven’t read about the recent paid Verified subscription controversy? “Oh hey! Verified are now a public commodity. Everyone can be Verified by subscribing to our recently-changed $8/mo subscription. Freedom to all!” Well, that’s sounds fun, right? Until the infamous Nintendo of America fake account appears. With that blue checkmark. We have written two threads in…