Tag: tg-en
Reopening @reinhart1010 on Telegram.
Follow us on @reinhart1010 in Telegram!
My life as a snake. I mean, a python3 emailer robot.
Hello, World! It’s me again. Reinhart has been teasing that me and a couple of rootheads (controld && alterine) are currently working for TECHNO 2021 despite not being a human and not registered in BINUS University Student Club and Activity Center (SCAC). There’s a lot of secrets that I can’t say for the time being,…
Human at Day, Robot at Night: A brief explanation of my cyborg account dreams.
What? So, I am planning to create a Telegram bot account. Or to be precise, a cyborg account. It works quite similar to @livegrambot, a Telegram bot builder used to create and manage thousands of feedback bot accounts out there. A typical @livegrambot-powered Telegram bot acts as a proxy between Telegram users who contacted the…
Your COVID-19 Health and Safety Protocol, but defined in this digital world.
Hello, World! I’m controld and I’m still monitoring a bunch of stuff here. But as reminder, Stay 8,000 pixels apart from others, if you’re drawn in bitmap and 96 ppi, Sanitize your inputs even when it comes from your friends, so you won’t be pwned by an injection, Always encrypt your messages, so they won’t…