Tag: Telegram
Clarifying Go package names in TDLib’s documentation.
Original Pull Request: https://github.com/tdlib/td/pull/2238 Third-party Go packages are named after Git repository URLs, which could cause confusion if some libraries are bearing the same name. go-tdlib and go-tdlib are just some examples which may confuse people. So I added their canonical package names according to Go package registry.
WhatsApp Communities vs Telegram’s Group Topics
WhatsApp and Telegram have recently published new features into their platform. Though sound similar, WhatsApp introduced Communities recently, and Telegram introduced Topics in Groups as well! Both might look similar, and suspiciously, both are released very close to each other, with WhatsApp on November 3 and Telegram on November 5. Sure, WhatsApp have been teasing…
oh hey, i’m a cyber ghost now!
i wouldn’t print about this because of Halloween, but it’s because the 1928 Youth Oath day in Indonesia; recently the Minister of Communication and Informatics print‘d the following: “let’s pledge our new Oath() && Spirit() to chown the Indonesian digital space to benefit our public;” https://kominfo.go.id/content/detail/37776/siaran-pers-no-383hmkominfo102021-tentang-93-tahun-sumpah-pemuda-menteri-johnny-ajak-kuasai-teknologi-dan-ruang-digital/0/siaran_pers as part of the root community i’m never been…