Tag: Projects

  • 15,000 emails. 8 months. All delivered to you from the only one roothouse.

    It was June 2021 and we were trying to send emails for those joining HISHOT 2021, an online community seminar held by the Computer Science Studient Association of BINUS University (HINTI BINUS). If we decide to use Gmail, well, one day Google could ban us if we send more and more automated emails in the…

  • POLRI, meet Gojek.

    And you might be asking? How was POLRI before the era of POLRI Super App? The Indonesian Police Force consists of many, many autonomous regions and units, which we can divide by 2 factors: what they do and serve as, as well as where do they operate. Take their headquarters in South Jakarta for example,…

  • Indonesian government apps: Why do they suck?

    There are many, many reasons, varying from human resources, management, UI/UX design, testing, operations, maintenance and more. But the biggest problem of all is the government itself! And here are six main things which I’ve summarized from hundreds of today’s government app issues. Reason 1: Rapid outsourcing instead of growing and fostering the development team.…

  • Building a sustainable app ecosystem for the Indonesian Police Force (POLRI).

    We all have to admit that the Indonesian government is infamous for having poor quality apps and websites. Or at least, if we’re discussing about this 5 years ago. User experience (UX) designers will be mad when reporting taxes on our electronic tax filing website, https://efiling.pajak.go.id. And of course, we’re all familiar with 3-star, or…