Tag: JavaScript
An imperative way to build a website!
(#_ )! This tutorial is definitely inspired by an interesting discussion in choosing a web tech stack in 2024. Of course, Imperative HTML is a more esoteric way of writing websites but still easy to learn for (#- )! Have you ever: HTML itself was primarily based on XML (up to HTML 4.x). And we really hate…
Re: The (extremely) loud minority (of JavaScript and Typescript developers)
Actually, there’s a DEV.to post named “17 Compelling Reasons to Ditch TypeScript for JavaScript”, only to be defeated by another post named “18 Reasons to Use TypeScript Since Yesterday”. I’ve documented all my criticisms here at “Code, not Content”. Since you specifically mentioned Twitter as the main source for these loud posts, I can say…
Error 404 when using GitHub when I reload the page
Error 404 when using GITHUB when I reload the page by Andrea Lopez Bravo (Stack Overflow) I am making an E-commerce website with react and I upload the website to Github pages the deployment works ok, but when I click the Nav buttons to go to different parts of the webpage and reload th… This…