Why I don’t care about surveillance capitalism anymore.
Some people believe that, every human on earth today has their digital counterparts. Some even embrace their human and inhuman personalities (like Reinhart and the Korean girl group æspa), but others are very concerned enough that their “digital other half” is being exploited by certain companies for advertising and social experimentation. That’s the essence of…
Peringatan bagi “Industri 4.0 vs Web 3.0” di Indonesia.
Pada tahun 2019, tepat saat saya mengerjakan tugas GSLC (Guided Self Learning Class) pertama dalam mata kuliah Character Building: Pancasila, saya menulis salah satu reply forum terpanjang pada BINUSMAYA (sistem informasi akademik dan manajemen pembelajaran Universitas Bina Nusantara) yang membahas tentang ancaman “Web 3.0” pada keutuhan Pancasila. Artikel itu akhirnya saya revisi dua tahun kemudian.…