Tag: CSS

  • Site Update: More glass-cards!

    Site Update: More glass-cards!

    It has been a long time when we reintroduced glass-cards on our website. They are timeless, representing these four different eras of user interface design: We are first proud to introduce this as far as in 2019, before 2021, and late 2023, where we made it the foundation of our design system. And now, there’s…

  • Site Update: Announcing our new typeface, Bumi Laras Selatan.

    Site Update: Announcing our new typeface, Bumi Laras Selatan.

    Bumi Laras Selatan is a typeface based on Instrument Sans, with a name inspired by Reinhart’s old house address (2003-2010). You can check out and download them here. What happened to your complete system font stack? There is almost nothing wrong with our system font stack, except for one thing. Roboto, the default Android system…

  • How to use One UI Sans on your website.

    How to use One UI Sans on your website.

    Samsung’s One UI 6.0 introduces a whole new font, One UI Sans. And that means Samsung joins the list of other Android manufacturers to intentionally ditch the classic Roboto from their Android system apps. No, I’m not joking. But Samsung has quite a long history to introduce their custom system font for the Galaxy line…

  • The serif system font stack that we’re using right now.

    A sequel of our awesome sans-serif font stack. And just for reference for CSS devs out there, font-family: ui-serif, “Aptos Serif”, Constantia, “Publico Text”, Charter, “STIX Two Text”, “Libertinus Serif”, “Linux Libertine O”, “Linux Libertine G”, “Linux Libertine”, “DejaVu Serif Condensed”, “Bitstream Vera Serif Condensed”, “Roboto Serif”, “Noto Serif”, “Times New Roman”, serif; And for…