Kind: Notes
short content: a post or status update with just plain content and typically without a title
Nix is now Jilly! (feat. Simon)
Starting January 2024, we will officially changed Nix, one of our robots, into Jilly. Additionally, the site will be relocated to The reason we changed her name because we would like to improve her as a high-quality tldr-pages client, but the name Nix is also used as a package manager and Linux distribution.…
Submitting Every Door v4.1 to HUAWEI AppGallery.
As a followup to our previous announcement, we’re submitting a brand new version of Every Door to HUAWEI AppGallery with the following fixes: We are aware that this app might not be available in India and other countries, so we are rechecking the cause behind these issues, and hope that this will be resolved soon.
Kate is usable again on macOS!
Kate, one of my favorite “Swiss Army Knife” text editor software was crashed in macOS because of a bug. I had wait for about 4 months to see that the bug is fixed, from version 23.04 to 23.08. And now, Kate 23.08 can be finally run in macOS again! What a relief!
Site Updates: “Rich Content” oEmbed, even more share buttons, a brand-new digital garden, and more!
WOW! That’s quite a long title (>_ ):] But do you know what’s even longer? The fact that we have another major site update for the first time in 1.5 months! 🔗 Share to KakaoStory, KakaoTalk, and X. The very first thing you’ll notice since last time is that, we finally included Share to KakaoTalk…
BINUSMAYA Academic Services and LMS URL change.
As of Monday, September 4th 2023, BINUSMAYA (Academic Services) have been moved from to For this case, our BINUSMAYA Down service has been adjusted to use the new URL and continue to check for Academic Services service. Additionally, has been moved to BINUSMAYA (Homepage) for a while. We expect that BINUSMAYA (LMS) service will eventually be moved from to
BINUSMAYA Praktikum is finally fine. is finally accessible on iOS and macOS!
Emergency Update: I have a mental breakdown.
In the recent days I am experiencing a mental breakdown, and good thing that now I’m starting to feel better. But first thing first, I would like to apologize to many of my colleagues working on important projects such as TECHNO 2021, HIMTI KIT, COMPUTERUN 2.0 and others. And also to MAT students and lecturers…
Mulai hari ini, seluruh arsip jawaban GSLC untuk mata kuliah CHAR6013 – Character Building: Pancasila dan CHAR6014 – Character Building: Kewarganegaraan sudah tersedia di dalam blog ini. Pengarsipan jawaban ini tentunya bukan tanpa alasan, mengingat bahwa tugas para mata kuliah Character Building ini menghasilkan jawaban-jawaban yang panjang dan komprehensif. Arsip tersebut juga ditujukan sebagai referensi…