Kind: Articles

  • Thank you, GMS Jakarta Jawa Barat Banten Education Department!

    My Spiritual Journey (MSJ) is an open, class series for getting people know more about the basics and values of Christianity, entirely based on Biblical principles. It has also become the foundation of discipleship and leadership in Gereja Mawar Sharon (GMS) and Rose of Sharon Church (ROSC). In mid-2022 I secretly joined the Education department…

  • Announcing the development of Shiftine, the Content Multiplexing System.

    In the coming months, we decided to completely replace 90% of our websites, either powered by: into a single, custom-made content management system (CMS) to standardize the look, feel, and features to our websites. Our general purpose is to let future website improvements to be shipped as quick as possible, and to let ourselves build…

  • Announcing the 5 Commissions (Sub-brands) of Reinhart

    As an joint effort to serve people across different groups and communities with different interests and needs, Reinhart hereby announces that his personal brand will be segmented into these five general Commissions to communicate our products and activities efficiently and effectively.

  • Peluncuran 5 Komisi (Submerek) personal branding Reinhart di tahun 2025.

    Peluncuran 5 Komisi (Submerek) personal branding Reinhart di tahun 2025.

    Sebagai upaya untuk melayani berbagai kalangan dan komunitas, maka dengan ini Reinhart memutuskan untuk meluncurkan segmentasi atas pemerekan identitas pribadi (personal branding) dalam bentuk 5 (lima) buah komisi: Pemaparan kelima komisi diharapkan dapat menjadi kerangka utama dalam mengkomunikasikan produk dan kegiatan Reinhart secara efisien dan efektif, semakin maksimal dalam melayani publik dengan berbagai minat dan…

  • The illusion of Surveillance Capitalism narrative as we knew it.

    Exactly one year ago, I made the decision to withdraw myself from those surveillance capitalism narrative where corporations and governments are ambitioning for extracting your data in exchange for all the fun and convenient things of the cyberspace. And you have to take action. As a person who have ever worked with real FLOSS organizations…

  • Cyan stands for sustainability.

    While others choose to go green, their colored posters are fading away, leaving only cyan. Though that we officially named the color as “Dilan-Milea Blue 400”, the primary color for the Reinhart’s (so early) 25th Birthday branding resembles one of the core colors in digital printing: cyan. It really looks like if the colors were…

  • Informasi Penting terkait Keberlanjutan Citra Manggala Dirgantara selama Masa Studi LPDP Reinhart Previano Koentjoro.

    Artikel ini merupakan arsip atas kebijakan yang sebelumnya telah dipublikasikan. Informasi ini dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu atas perubahan kebijakan baik dari Reinhart Previano Koentjoro maupun Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan. Informasi terkini dapat dilihat pada Citra Manggala Dirgantara merupakan badan usaha milik Reinhart Previano Koentjoro yang dibentuk pada tahun 2022 untuk memenuhi kewajiban Reinhart Previano Koentjoro sebagai Penyelenggara…

  • I am going to machine myself. Here’s why.

    This title might sound like a clickbait. But well, it seems that the next year could be the year where I would not be just Shift, but also Ctrl-Alt-Shift all my way towards my new life and ministry. For those who don’t know, Ctrl, Alt, and Shift were the original codenames of controld/pr0xy, alterine/alt1e, and…

  • Establishing electronic signatures for PDF documents.

    After months of testing, we will start to notarize PDF files with signatures, with real Electronic Signatures that comply with real Indonesian laws. This means that our signatures, powered by PERURI Certificate Authority, are legally acceptable to replace the use of handwritten signatures without compromising the legal integrity of digital documents. This also means that…

  • Penerapan Tanda Tangan Elektronik (TTE) ganda dalam dokumen PDF.

    Setelah melewati masa uji coba, maka mulai 20 November 2024, kami resmi memberlakukan penandatanganan dokumen PDF menggunakan Tanda Tangan OpenPGP serta Tanda Tangan Elektronik (TTE) Tersertifikasi sesuai standar Penyelenggara Sertifikasi Elektronik (PSrE) Kementerian Komunikasi dan Digital Republik Indonesia. Dokumen-dokumen ini akan dapat diverifikasi menggunakan kunci publik (public key) OpenPGP yang tersedia pada, dan untuk…