Category: Replies
Re: Falling in love with writing code
Falling in love with writing code by Jason Leow ~ (CodeNewbie Community) I’ve walked this path for over 7 years, from just learning to create a simple website, then discovered Node.js, C, PHP, Python, Java (Android), Dart/Flutter and now Swift and still wanted to learn either Rust, Golang, or C#… But sure there’s ups…
Re: Building a tool for tech bloggers to write, schedule and publish posts on all major platforms
I currently rely on WordPress and its RSS/Atom integration, which is still good for forwarding content from my personal blog site at to others like and Hashnode through a mechanism namely “Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere” (POSSE). The good news is that I can just write new posts from my site, then selectively forward…