I’ll be releasing a new Instagram filter that transforms yourself into a living, bionic gold statue. This, actually, is a continuation of our work to make a safe version of “bionic gold” developed by the two scientists in our botworld, Putri “Timun Mas” and Gold (who still wanted to remain anonymous this time).
They originally worked for an unethical plan, set in an F-class universe, to turn the world’s overpopulation into literal giant piece of gold (read: humans with their flesh entirely transformed into gold) to solve the world’s shortage of gold. They retaliated and had to escape with a “non-lethal” prototype that turned them into golden shape-shifting mannequins.
But who knows, we can modify and repackage the material as a digital cosmetic item for people to use. We will also try to check how releasing filters like this would affect our Instagram growth.
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